About the Show
"Lost Memories" focuses on one family in rural Iowa as they navigate the discovery that one of their loved ones is suffering from dementia/Alzheimer's disease. This play is a dream come to life for the playwright, Shawn Carr. A Cascade native, Carr found inspiration from the world he grew up in, and from that, created a script that will touch people's lives with warmth and caring. And although a sad topic, Carr has interwoven humor and hope into a story that many will be able to relate to.
Live Talk-Backs after the performances on August 5th, 6th, and 7th will allow audience members to talk with memory care professionals. Talk-Backs for the second weekend of performances are to be announced."
Character Info
Phyllis Delaney: Kathleen Weiss
Jon Delaney: Damien Benedict
Kelly Delaney: Nancy Collell
Jennifer Stout: Amy Wilcox
Jack Hanley: Robert Kurt
Mary Hanley: Denise Cherry
Ricky Jackson: Steve Weiss
Lucinda Jackson: Marsha Fairbanks
Molly Hanley: Kendall Siebels